Welcome to my blog. After 22 years in Texas and 3 in Washington DC, I now find myself in Oxford, England for Graduate School. In between alot of hard work, I am having some amazing adventures and "learning experiences" this year that I wanted to share.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Archived Email: November 2005

Happy Guy Fawkes Day!

Apparently in the 1600’s a guy tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in an attempt to overthrow the government by filling the basement of the Houses with gun power. The attempt was foiled and the Brits celebrate the anniversary of this every year with a huge bonfire and fireworks show. Odd, I realize, but a fun event none the less. (you can see some pictures from last nights fireworks attached).

Two weekends ago I went to London for the day with a group of friends. We walked the south bank of the Thames to the Tate Modern then crossed the river to St. Pauls Cathedral. Ended with dinner and some fine English brews at old pub in Notting Hill.

Last weekend my parents were in town and we had a great time. It was so good to see them, and show them around my little down. I think they got to do more sightseeing than I have! We went to a town just north of Oxford (Woodstock) for the day there is an old palace their and we had lunch with the registrar from my college who lives there.

And this weekend I have my first visiting friend! Yep, Ms. Sarah P. is coming to England for the FIRST TIME! Im sure we will have stories and photos from our adventures.

And while it may not seem like it from my stories and pictures I am studying quite a bit – its just not as exciting to write about. I cant believe we are half way through the first term! Its crazy that it has gone so fast, and scary that exams are right around the corner!
Keep the updates coming. And in case you have lost my number -- call me at XXXXXXX

PS. I had no idea how much I said “y’all” until it started getting pointed out to me EVERY time I say it!


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