Welcome to my blog. After 22 years in Texas and 3 in Washington DC, I now find myself in Oxford, England for Graduate School. In between alot of hard work, I am having some amazing adventures and "learning experiences" this year that I wanted to share.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

God Bless America

As many of you know I just returned from "the States" where I got to see and catch up with many friends. I started in New York City for some Oxford Alumni events. Alumni from all over North America hosted a reunion at the Waldorf Astoria. Friday night the reception was held in the elegant main ball room. After a beautiful sunny day of walking through Central Park and a bit of shopping, I had a college cocktail reception first at the Waldorf, then another in a 5th Avenune Appt. It was a beautiful appartment hosted by a friend of Kellogg College, with a view of the park. There were about 6 other MBAs from my class who also the weekend events to work on securing summer internship in the US.

Then it was south to D.C. for a quick few days where I got to see many of my old haunts from my days on the hill. I caught up with many friends, co-workers, and several of my favorite restaurants! I had to get back to NYC to catch my flight but not before hitting Soho, Chinatown and the new MOMA. It was a great trip and it was wonderful to have some my American conveniences back for a few days.

(Left: Myself and my friend Jennifer, a classmate from Oxford, at Alumni reception at the Waldorf)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like fun

5:48 PM


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