Welcome to my blog. After 22 years in Texas and 3 in Washington DC, I now find myself in Oxford, England for Graduate School. In between alot of hard work, I am having some amazing adventures and "learning experiences" this year that I wanted to share.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Archived Email: Thanksgiving 2005

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend. Surprisingly, I was able to have a proper Thanksgiving meal with Turkey and pumpkin pie! I was invited to a formal seated dinner at one of the old college dining halls. While the holiday is clearly not observed here, the chamberlain of that particular college spent 9 years at Princeton so he and his wife became fond of the holiday. (they also said they like hosting thanksgiving b/c they get to dine with American students who are much more fun and interesting that the English students!).

This week was particularly stressful - the semester is wrapping up and its really crunch time. Lots of assignments and I’m getting ready for 6 (yes six) exams! and while it was strange to not be with my friends and family in the states, I realized I have so much to be thankful for, and I guess that really is the point of the holiday (other than football!) . Thanks to all of you for all the notes, calls, care packages. It was really to hear from so many of you this week. You have no idea how nice it is to hear from friends and family from home.

I finish on exams Dec. 14 and head to Ireland for a few days where we plan to visit some castles and the Guinness brewery. Then I head to Lyon, France for Christmas week with my family!

So I guess Im signing off, as I am about to enter a black hole of studying world. I hope to catch up with you when I emerge after exams. Know that I think about you and miss you all a lot.

PS. attached is a photo from my birthday outing this weekend! as you can see, my new friends let me be a birthday princess!


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