Welcome to my blog. After 22 years in Texas and 3 in Washington DC, I now find myself in Oxford, England for Graduate School. In between alot of hard work, I am having some amazing adventures and "learning experiences" this year that I wanted to share.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Punting and Pimms

two of the quintessential English summer items....

Punting is this funny little summer pass time that is incredibly popular as soon as the weather turns remotely nice in the UK. It involves a small canoe-like boat with 2-4people. One person uses a really long pole that you dig into the bottom of the river to navigate the little boat. In Oxford the person stands in the "front" of the boat because the back end of the boat is referred to as the "Cambridge end" - just a bit of school rivalry.

So the idea is to just float along the little winding rivers of Oxford. Its very relaxing. You take wine or pimms and some snacks like strawberries. Whilst floating you see loads of other people in boats or picnicing along the river back. We learned a bit to late that you have to watch out (or mind) the rowers - who come through at a very fast pace at some "intersections". Interesting facts I learned while punting: "mooring" means docking, ie we saw signs that said "no mooring"; and the Queen owns all the swans of England. odd.

Pimms is a drink you will quickly be talked into trying in England. It's a summer cocktail that is to be somewhere between a long island ice tea and sangria. Either way its quite tastey and refreshing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice post! GA is also my biggest earning. However, it’s not a much.

4:41 AM


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